October 15, 2013

YumeStyle is almost a year old!

YumeStyle isn't my first shop or first attempt at selling my creations, but as many of you probably know, it's been more fun, and the bigger success as well. Well, my shop will have been open for a year on November 7th... You know what that means? Starting November 1st, I'm having a 20% off sale! It'll be going for just one week, through the 7th to commemorate the anniversary. Just enter the coupon YUMEANNIVERSARY13 starting on November first for your discount! This will be good on EVERYTHING- There's no minimum purchase!

Also, I know some of my more popular products are kind of sold out. Like the OoT medallion button sets... I just wanted to let you all know that they will be coming back after the end of the year. I know it's a wait, but once they're back in stock, there won't be anymore running out, either. I'll also have new buttons out for the new year as well (whether they're out before the first or in the first week of January entirely depends on how busy I am with the holidays).

If anyone wants to see more older products come back soon, let me know! I'll do what I can to get the supplies back and remake them. :3

While I'm at it, here's the links to the places online where I'm selling goodies and designs!
YumeStyle - my Etsy Shop
My Shirt Designs over on Redbubble
My Fabric Designs on Spoonflower

• Entry cross posted from my Deviantart account.

October 10, 2013

So it's been a while...

...again. Yeah, but the last year has really been busy, too.

Just thought I'd check in here, inform the interwebs that I am still using this blog (albeit rarely, because I'm such a space case with these things), and wanted to share a bit of what I've been doing as of late. :3

So let me just turn this whole post into a picture with links show and tell. Everything pictured links to etsy or redbubble where you can purchase your own. :3

And the shirts:

January 12, 2013

So much to do, so little time...

I've archvied my older posts in order to try and kick start a fresh beginning. Again. I know, I do this far too often... get busy, stop posting, forget I even have a blog...go back months or a year later and think "Oh I should use this again"... redesign the blog, archive old posts, and the process starts all over.

Hopefully I won't slip again. But you never know. I've been insanely busy, and most of my past projects are either done or on hold right now. I finally gave up on the almost jewelry only shop I had, as that wasn't at all what I wanted to be doing to begin with- it just sort of happened that way.

I've had a new shop open since Novemver 7th, so it's just over 2 months now. Woohoo! I'm finally offering gamer and more zelda themed stuff, the things I really LIKE, and thus enjoy making. Better yet, they're selling better than my jewelry ever was! It's a slow progress right now, but it's a good start. I made my 10th sale today. 4 more and I've made the same number of sales my old shop had total since December 2010! Wow... I guess I found my niche. It was right there in front of me all along, too. :3

If you're just reading this blog and don't even know about my shop yet, check it out!

So more business news... There's a new game tournament/convention in Utah this May called Salt Fest. I'm going to have an artists table at their conveniently named "Kakariko Village"- their artists alley features all game related hand made goodies. Better yet, the name says it, there's going to be a focus on Zelda related items. This is so perfect for me! So if you're in the Salt Lake area and love games, or want to see my items in person, you'll know where to find me. ^~

So yeah, I'm talking a lot about business right now, but I'm so psyched preparing for this show! I'm going to have some amazing new items up, that will be in my etsy shop before the show. I'll try to remember to post a bit more soon, but for now... back to work! ♥